Configuring Raspberry WIFI network

Photo : Alexandre PERETJATKO

Photo : Alexandre PERETJATKO

Configuring Raspberry WIFI network

This tutorial show you how to setup your Raspbian WIFI in command line

Il faut

  • Raspberry with raspbian
100% Complete

Of course, you can setup your WIFI with the GUI in your Rapberry by following the Foundation Guidelines but, this is the way to setup manualy your WIFI network.

To scan for WIFI network, enter the command :

sudo iwlist wlan0 scan

The name of the WIFI (the SSID) is a line starting with ESSID:"YourWIFINetwork"

Edit the network configuration etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf :

WIFI interface is eth0 (wlan0 is for your wired network), so locate the line iface eth0 inet dhcp and change it as root to :


Restart the network :

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

Define your Rapberry hostname :

sudo raspi-config

Go in Advanced option > Hostname and enter what you want


You can see if your setting have been update with the command (it will display the @IP you enter before in the wlan0 part):

ifconfig wlan0

Problems encountered :

No @IP on WIFI (command ifconfig wlan0 give no IP address):

Maybe you have a hard coded IP in a previous config, check the end of the /etc/dhcpd.conf file and comment (or delete) the SSID you may have here.

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